Author Archives: David

New and used Ahi Tuna?

Oh man, this had me on the floor laughing …

I was kicking through my blog posts just checking out what ad’s Google’s AdSense program would serve and this ad showed up…

I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to know what it would link to … but I clicked on it anyway. As it happens, it took me to eBay … no used tuna though 🙂

Correctly numbered outlines

For the longest time I was looking for a way to make nested ordered lists in HTML show up correctly.

Usually, when you do an ordered list, you get something like this …

  1. Item 1
    1. Item 1.1
    2. Item 1.2
      1. Item 1.2.1
      2. Item 1.2.2

… which really annoyed me, because you couldn’t have meaningful identifiers on the nested lists.

A few days ago I found a bit of CSS that would correct this…

OL        { list-style-type: decimal  }  /* 1 2 3 4 5 etc. */
OL OL     { list-style-type: lower-alpha}      /* a b c d e etc. */
OL OL OL  { list-style-type: lower-roman }  /* i ii iii iv v etc. */-->

Now the same list will show up with the first level list using numbers, the 2nd level list using lowercase alpha, and the 3rd level lower case roman numbers.

Something like this…

  1. Item 1
    1. Item 1.1
    2. Item 1.2
      1. Item 1.2.1
      2. Item 1.2.2

Which is pretty cool, imho.


If you check the bottom of this page, you SHOULD be able to see a graphical representation of recent posting.

Not very exciting, but could be interesting.

Ok, sometimes I am so dumb

Ryan told me that my blogs (both this one and IMHO) were not displaying properly when viewed with Internet Explorer. Every time they visited a page, IE wanted to download the page instead of displaying it.

I had just made some tweaks to the web server, so I figured I had screwed something up.

I searched and searched, but couldn’t figure out what I had broken.

I decided the best way to figure out the problem would be to sniff the line with an ethernet sniffer program to see what was actually being sent down the wire.

When I did, I noticed the http ‘content-type’ header was blank.

Turns out the WordPress configuration option that contains the content-type value was empty. I had neglected to run the upgrade script on the WordPress database when I finished the upgrade to version 1.5!


After I ran the upgrade script, the pages displayed fine in IE.

I registered the ‘’ domain today … no major reason. It was available, it was cheap, so I grabbed it.

For now it simply redirects you to … not sure if I’ll do anything else with it.

I’m alergic to Los Angeles

Well, the sore throat I had turned into a full blown sinus infection.

Seems like every time I fly through Los Angeles I get a sinus infection. It’s happened the last 3 times we had a layover in LAX.

I’m thinking it’s the pollution … could be the quantity of pollution or just the type.

I won’t bother going to the doctor for this … he ends up giving me anti-biotic and something for the cough, but if I just rest and take OTC cold remedies, it goes away in just about the same amount of time.

I hope Ginny doesn’t catch it.

Hawaii Vacation — We’re Home

We arrived home today … had the redye from LAX to ORD. I hate red-eye flights. Even though I took a melatonin, I was unable to really sleep. Got a few naps, but nothing substantial.

Flight was uneventful and our luggage arrived in record time. The ground crew was probably making up for taking so much time in Maui.

I ordered our taxi and we went outside to wait for it … it was cold … yes, Chicago cold.

Home was just as we left it … all in good order. I turned up the heat and the hot water heater (not going to forget to do that again I think).

I tried to stay awake as long as possible … although I didn’t succeed. I stayed up to about 1pm, watching TV, then had to crawl into bed for a while. Back up at 4pm for more TV.

For some reason both Ginny and I are suffering from sore throats. I wonder if our brief layover in LA caused it. We are both pretty sensitive to bad air conditions. Actually, my throat was starting to feel dry the day before yesterday. Possibly ‘anticipatory Maui withdrawal’? Might have to do some medical research on that.