The ride is over and I did my 35 miles.
I had a good time, got lots of exercise, met some interesting people … and got involved in a cause that both directly and indirectly effects me.
I raised $3380 … which made me an “Ultimate Champion for Diabetes”. I got a fancy shmancy gold medal and, theoretically, a champions riding jersey (although that didn’t arrive on time, so I wore a red riders jersey). The medal was kind of silly, but I would have liked to have been able to wear the jersey.
Riding helped me in many ways … there’s the obvious cardio benefit, which helps keep my diabetes under control, but it also helped me deal with the stress of my mom’s illness and passing. About three weeks before the ride, my co-worker Marty and I were planning on doing a 35 mile ride (following the Tour de cure route), when my mom was moved into the hospice unit at St. James Hospital. He asked if I wanted to cancel our ride, but I told him that I needed to ride.
I’d like to thank everyone who sponsored me on the ride … your support is greatly appreciated.
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